NUS Shield
Falmouth University 2019
Falmouth University 2019
Brief: Find a creative collision between a given ideology and subject; Marxism and Big Data.
Solution: A sub-brand to the National Union of Students (NUS) with the aim to raise awareness, within First Year University students, about privacy settings and data collection on social media. Providing an app where they can control and manage their data footprint. The brand will be promoted at Freshers Fair events across multiple universities.
Brand and Identity, UX & UI Design, Social Media, Print, Merchandise

The NUS Shield app is the main product of the brand. Designed to allow users to control their privacy settings for all their main social media accounts in one place.
The user logs into their social media accounts, allowing Shield to evaluate how much data they display to the public and their friends. This is presented to the user, in the hope that they will want to reduce the amount displayed, if needs be. Shield allows them to edit this in the next stage of the app.
The user can change their privacy settings using preselected tiers or manually. This will reduce the amount of data displayed. Once complete, Shield re-evaluates their profiles and shows how much information they now display to the public and their friends, comparing it with the previous evaluation.
The NUS Shield app is the main product of the brand. Designed to allow users to control their privacy settings for all their main social media accounts in one place.
The user logs into their social media accounts, allowing Shield to evaluate how much data they display to the public and their friends. This is presented to the user, in the hope that they will want to reduce the amount displayed, if needs be. Shield allows them to edit this in the next stage of the app.
The user can change their privacy settings using preselected tiers or manually. This will reduce the amount of data displayed. Once complete, Shield re-evaluates their profiles and shows how much information they now display to the public and their friends, comparing it with the previous evaluation.

The posters are the catalyst of the brand. They will be placed around campuses all over the UK before the start of the new academic year, in preparation for the arrival of new students. The coherent branding will encourage first years to approach the Freshers Fair stand.
The posters are the catalyst of the brand. They will be placed around campuses all over the UK before the start of the new academic year, in preparation for the arrival of new students. The coherent branding will encourage first years to approach the Freshers Fair stand.

Infographic and 5 Tips Postcard
This infographic is used to inform the audience of the statistics behind social media and encourage them to see how important privacy settings are. The 5 Tips Postcard will be something that the students can pick up from the Freshers Fair stall and take away with them. It will help keep them safer online as well as promote the app. Both will also be displayed on the NUS website.
This infographic is used to inform the audience of the statistics behind social media and encourage them to see how important privacy settings are. The 5 Tips Postcard will be something that the students can pick up from the Freshers Fair stall and take away with them. It will help keep them safer online as well as promote the app. Both will also be displayed on the NUS website.
I created a roller banner to go alongside the stand at the Freshers Fair. These are a common sight at events and work effectively. I am really pleased with my design and feel it promotes the app in a clear and sophisticated manner.
I created a roller banner to go alongside the stand at the Freshers Fair. These are a common sight at events and work effectively. I am really pleased with my design and feel it promotes the app in a clear and sophisticated manner.
As stated on the roller banner the staff at the event will be in yellow t-shirts. I designed two different types of t-shirts to be worn at the Freshers Fair so that they are easily identified and linked with the brand, due to using the NUS Shield yellow.
As stated on the roller banner the staff at the event will be in yellow t-shirts. I designed two different types of t-shirts to be worn at the Freshers Fair so that they are easily identified and linked with the brand, due to using the NUS Shield yellow.
These pens will also be displayed at the Freshers Fair event as a free gift to the students that will encourage them to look into the brand and then download the app. I think these will work really well as the free pens at Freshers Fair are really successful and a great way to promote the brand.
These pens will also be displayed at the Freshers Fair event as a free gift to the students that will encourage them to look into the brand and then download the app. I think these will work really well as the free pens at Freshers Fair are really successful and a great way to promote the brand.

Social Media Adverts
As my target audience is 18-22 year olds that use social media I thought adverts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were the ideal place to promote the app. I started with a similar design to the roller banner for Instagram which worked really well but then when I tried it for Facebook, due to the different sizing it didn’t work as effectively so I designed a new one using the phones in a line to suit the format better.
As my target audience is 18-22 year olds that use social media I thought adverts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were the ideal place to promote the app. I started with a similar design to the roller banner for Instagram which worked really well but then when I tried it for Facebook, due to the different sizing it didn’t work as effectively so I designed a new one using the phones in a line to suit the format better.